Spring Event


What is Spring Event?

The NER-AMTAS Spring Event is a day full of games, experientials, and bonding with Music Therapy students from all of the New England Region's schools. This event's purpose is to help students get to know their peers from different programs across the region. As well as it provides and opportunity for Music Therapy students to get to know each other before the Regional Conference!
This event is free and open to all students, even if you are not studying Music Therapy.

The First Spring Event (2023)


2023 Winner of Musical Chairs


When and Why Was Spring Event Created?

This event started in 2023 by Anna Maria Collage's Adri Celeste (they/them), with the return of the in-person regional conference after the COVID-19 pandemic. This event's purpose is to build community between the different colleges before the professional regional conference.


Where is Spring Event Hosted?

Westfield State University hosts Spring Event!



2024 Winner of Musical Chairs

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